Performance Driven
44 Series Shock
44 SERIES GAS SHOCK 1.5 INCH HONED BORE TUBE. The expanded gas volume allows for better feel and more grip under all conditions and racing surface. The honed 1.5-inch body allows for better sealing of the piston wearband to the tube allow more consistent valving over the course of a season. Comes in any valving custom or standard. When adding a Base Valve to this shock you increase the feel and grip in the race car, unlike other base valve shocks BSB BV have outperformed many others in both rough and slick conditions.
Low drag assembly, which includes the divider, seal and main piston.
Bronze coated Teflon wearband, reduces friction and increase sealing.
Honed and coated tube ID.
Shim technology.
High flow linear piston design.
New threaded ring coil over.
Shock Valving
Shocks can be valved in any configuration or in standard valving, also see Shock We Build to get a better understanding of the shocks we build.
Standard builds would be like a 4010 which is a 4 rebound and a 1 compression. Custom valved shock is like a dry slick shock or a shock that uses a custom valve.
See valving chart to see pressures at 10 inch per second.
Custom builds will be more like RF1-50 @ 100 psi
$175.00 ea

As all of our shock we can do what ever you need valving.
$210.00 ea
base valve