Special Left front shocks:
Just a little info on some of the shocks we are building and a brief over view of them. With that in mind we can do just about anything you would like all you need to do is call and we can discuss it. This is not all the shocks we build and we are just going to cover a few.
Left Front:
LF Black 3-2 @ 100 psi: This has been a real good shock as a standard LF, it allows for weight transfer to the RR and will help the car turn in.
LF1-40 @ 100 psi (5-3): This is a real good starting point on a modified for turning the car, it works good on both a crate car and an open motor car for turning the car. This is a good starting point, but at the same time this is not enough and we need to work on turning the car better. We are currently building left fronts into the 10 rebound range with great success in all classes.
LF Short Shaft: This shock can be done in any valving that you need; the short shaft shock is about up travel on the left front and not allowing the weight transfer to the RR tire under acceleration. When setting up a short shaft we will need the center to center measurement at ride height, and than we will allow just a little out travel before hitting the stop. This will load the RR tire from center off allowing the car to have a lot of drive center off by not allowing the weight to move easily but to use that afford to load the tire.
LR Shocks:

We will not cover all the LR shocks that we do but just a couple of the new ones that we have been doing this year, these are effects that we can do to the shock at any valving level.
LR SRT: This is a slick rough track piston that we design for the B-Mod class or a car that will run the LR hard on the rod and allow it to get through the rough really well by allowing oil to bypass through the piston as the car hits the bump. This is really good for rough entry or where the track gets tore up by other class. This is a very good shock and can be applied to all four corner of the car when you race in the rough.
LR Air Shock: This is what it is and you must have our shocks and be working with us on your current program to be better and to help us to be better. This shock works very well in building drive and is reserved for our customers only, so if you want to advance your program it starts with buying BSB.
LR Bypass Shock: This shock is really good at getting the car up off the corner when there is some type of roughness on the track. If you feel like your car is losing drive when getting up on the bars this is a great shock for that. This shock can be done in any Valving and it is a process that allows oil to by pass only at full open, this allows the tire to make better traction because the tire is not bouncing under full load as you throttle up off the corner.
LR Base Valve: This is a valve that we add to the shock to reduce the gas pressure that the shock needs to perform correctly, the benefit is that it will allow the car to make more drive by reducing the load on the front of the birdcage. Sometimes more drive is just the thing that the car needs and sometimes it not, if you’re looking for drive this is a good way.
Maybe in future we can talk about other shocks and how they affect the car and how they work. As always if you need help feel free to call and we can talk about what you are doing and how it is working for you. Becoming part of the team take the first step and that is the call. 620-326-3152